
Sumac Spice


Sumac is a Middle-Eastern Spice is commonly used on Kebabs, rice, red meats or Tagine dishes. Pleasantly tangy lemony flavour with a hint of sweetness.


Persian Sumac Spice.

Sumac berries are naturally drived and then crushed to create Sumac spice. Such Spice is pleasantly tangy lemony flavour with a hint of sweetness.

A quintessential ingredient in Middle-Eastern home cooking, commonly used on Kebabs, rice, red meats or Tagine dishes. Traditional recipes such as rice or kebab koobiedeh widley uses this spice as a finishing touch – more like salt and pepper.

Furthermore, instead of lemon juice use this sour and tangy spice.

Additionally, perfect Vegetarian/Vegan or an all- rounder Spice Blend.

Sumac Spice Serving Suggestion:

 A delicious recipe for a Turkish Sumac Salad Dressing.


  1. In a large bowl, add 3 tablespoon of Spice  with 4 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 clove of garlic crushed, salt and pepper. Mix well.
  2. Toss your green salad leaves in the dressing mixture.

Also, checkout Advieh spice mix for another example of Persian seasoning in Advieh Chicken recipe.


  • Naturally dried Sumac Berries

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 15 cm

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